Monday, March 19, 2012

Are you talking to me?

While walking down State Street the other day, my good friend Kenji Fukudome ran in a gentlemen who was a "Dead ringer for Robert De Niro". (Actually, the jury is still out on that one) With a little bit of gentle persuasion, Kenji was able to convince "Mark" to pose for a couple of photos for us at

The above picture was shot with a medium sized softbox just out of the frame, camera right, with a gridded strobe pointed at the background, creating separation between the background and the shadowed side of Mark's head.

I am finding that I am enjoying taking pictures of "regular people" more so than models. While watching an interview with Joe McNally on, Joe said something that really struck a chord with me.  He said (Paraphrasing) "I would rather not shoot a portrait of beautiful people, rather, I am attracted to faces that tell a story and have character"

That sentiment really resonated with me, and soon, you should start seeing the fruits of one of my first photographic projects, involving "regular people".

As a "regular", random guy off of the street, Mark was a complete modeling novice. Having said that, he was very easy to work with and completely at ease in front of the camera.  I think even Robert DeNiro would be proud of his comfort level in front of the camera.

Yes Mark, I'm talking to YOU!