Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Lovely Day for a Wedding

HDR Image of the Cottage Lobby

ACK! My cousin Dianne just got married! 

Before I start, I have to say that I grew up with one younger brother, Mike and then two cousins who live just a mile away, so they are essentially like another brother and sister to us McGee boys.

Keith is the youngest, then his sister Dianne, followed VERY closely by my brother Mike, then myself.  Keith the youngest got married first, then my brother, and now Dianne. I'm the oldest and the only to have never married. What gives? ;0)

Gratuitous shot of Mom and Dad
Patience... I know the Lord has something special lined up for me, all in good time... In the menatime, I'm just a "work in progress" for my future unknown wife. ;0)

Cousin Keith and Nephews Austin and Tyler
I digress...

The ceremony was a very small, intimate wedding of 18 attendee's at San Ysidro Ranch in Montecito yesterday afternoon at 4:00PM. Although there was a professional photographer on hand to do the majority of the shooting, I took the liberty of being "That guy" aka "Uncle Bob with a fancy camera" (the guy professional wedding photographers generally disdain ;0) and took some pictures where the pro could not or did not fill in. 

Gratuitous shot of delicious Double Chocolate Mousse cake

Dinner was a delicious 1st course of risotto, followed by a 2nd course of mushroom soup (delicious) and then your choice of Halibut or beef.  I chose the halibut and it was to DIE FOR!

This was my first time at the San Ysidro Ranch, and I can see why it is considered to be one of the top resorts in the US.  It is an AMAZING place to stay (So I'm told, as I just had to "settle" for for dinner ;0)

I'll leave you with the happy couple slicing the wedding cake.


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